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For those working around the speech, hearing, and swallowing fields, correctly using your voice is very important. Not only is it relevant to everyone, but it also gives others a model to imitate. But what is good vocal hygiene, and how can we practice it regularly?

Vocal hygiene is properly caring for your voice through healthy vocal habits. Our vocal folds are composed of sensitive layers and muscles that vibrate to form our speech. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), abusing your voice can cause unhealthy vocal folds, resulting in:

  • Overused, strained or raspy speech
  • Working harder to speak
  • A more limited range of singing
  • Clearing your throat excessively

There are many more symptoms for vocal disorders, and causes of voice disorders range in severity.

In terms of informal treatment, there are several general habits that can help improve better vocal health:

  • Keep your vocal folds hydrated – drink water!
  • Avoid breathing dry or polluted air
  • Try to speak in your comfortable range. Speaking lower or louder than comfortable forces your vocal folds to work sub optimally. Whispering is also not a healthy habit
  • Use your diaphragm to keep your voice supported when you speak
  • Speaking excessively can lead to overuse, so dedicate time to let your voice rest

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